Welcome to the Catholic Survey Website
A part of the Faith Survey and Christianity in View series of websites.
This website includes a survey designed for Catholic Christians.
Sample questions and some of the results so far are also included.
The Survey
Privacy Notice
The survey is confidential - any answers you give will not be disclosed to any third parties, but will be stored for reference in a secure database.
Please answer the questions in an honest and responsible manner.
Your participation is greatly appreciated in assisting the work and future development of the faithsurvey.co.uk website and related websites.
Thank you very much and God bless.
Iain (webmaster):
Sample Questions
Apart from Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, how often do you attend Mass?
How important is your Catholic faith to you?
Other than attending Mass, what is your level of involvement in the activities of your local church and parish?
The Results So Far
As of June 2019, 384 surveys have been recorded.
Mass Attendance
32% attend Mass once a week, against 13% who rarely or never attend. 7% attend only a few times a year.
Eucharistic Adoration
64% attend a church where Eucharistic adoration is offered on a regular basis. Of this percentage, 48% have participated in the adoration within the last month.
Aspects of the Catholic Faith
29% of those surveyed have been to confession once or twice within the last year against 35% who have not been at all.
Related Websites
» Catholic Faith - An Introduction to the Faith, including sections on the Sacraments, Papacy and Catholic Moral Theology.
» Christianity in View - Examining the Christian faith.
» Faith Survey - Including additional surveys and the results of external surveys of Catholics in the USA and elsewhere.